The Proud Father of a Three Month Old

The Crown Conspiracy is three months old, and I have no clear idea of how well it is doing. This being my first published novel, and not knowing any other published authors, I have no idea if this is typical or disturbing.

The reviews on Amazon look good (as do the reports I am seeing on Goodreads). Readers appear to genuinely like the novel. My only other data point is how well Iā€™ve done at book signings, but I canā€™t imagine that every reader, every buyer of TCC, has obtained it through my hands. At least I hope not. I trust there are people out there who have read it on a lark, on a dare, out of boredom, or because they happened to see a review somewhere that struck a chord and were so pleased that they felt compelled to spread the word. ā€œI just read this incredible bookā€¦ā€ is how I imagine the multitude of conversations beginning, or maybe, ā€œHave you ever heard of The Crown Conspiracy by Michael Sullivan?ā€ I suppose the day you can ask that second question and not be certain of the answer is the day I will need to take a great deal more care in what I write in this blog.