One Month Left

If you’ve been looking at this blog and watching the countdown to Nyphron, you might have noticed it was off by a month. I think I’ve got it fixed now give or take a day.

The book just returned from the editors. Robin is busy inputting some changes from hardcopy corrections. When she is done I will begin my final read through. I’ve purposely not read it in a month so I could approach it as fresh as possible.

I now have less than two weeks to review all the input and make any last minute changes. I always have last minute changes. I already know I have to change the first sentence. The first sentences are always the hardest. I’m never satisfied until I’ve beat myself bloody over them.

Feel free to start the buzz about this book. Just start asking people if they are ready for Nyphron Rising. I think you will find there are a surprising number of people who aren’t. Sadly, at the moment, I’m one.