Just Two Weeks Away

Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
A big, heavy cardboard box.
This week it has been raining books.
Not long ago the UK editions of Theft of Swords arrived. Now copies are popping up in photos posted by excited readers on Facebook. The UK released them a tad early. I hope no one ruins the story with spoilers. Oh wait—that’s right, I’m not George Martin. So there are some advantages to that.  And now this week I’ve received the American version of Theft as well as copies of the UK Rise of Empire and even the long awaited Czech hard covers of Avempartha. Not sure where Crown got to, likely circulating around the postal system taking in the sights.
Now that I have them in my hands, I’m a bit torn. I think I like the UK covers a little better due to the richer saturation of color in the images, and the dramatic close-ups. On the other hand, the UK versions feel flimsier with a tighter binding, where as the American editions are almost like text books and can lay open on a desk top without creasing the spine. I find this really nice. I also like the satin finish with spot varnish that Orbit US did. They are also a little larger which just makes them look and fell more substantial. 
 Now that I look at the two UK editions together, I’m stunned. When did I write all that? I realize there are two in one, but still—they are just so massive looking. I can’t help but think, geez, this guy had a lot of time on his hands.
The Czech versions are a kick. They look like children books, and at first when my wife carried a handful into me, based on their spines, I thought she was holding the hard cover versions of the Narnia books that we have. Everything in them is upside-down in that the text on the spine is backwards from how it is done here, quotes appear at the bottom of a sentence, the chapter heads are reversed and the table of contents is in the back—which I think defeats the purpose.  I can’t read a word, so it is an odd sensation to know that I wrote them.
It is exactly two weeks until the official American release of Theft of Swords, and three weeks before the release party at One More Page Books in Falls Church. And in case you were wondering…yes, everyone is invited. (Although I’m not sure where we’ll put you. At last tally there are 7 billion on the planet now.) I believe the party starts at 7pm, but feel free to line up outside at midnight the day before. It’s November 30th in Northern Virginia, so you might want to dress warm and bring a mummy bag.
Yes, I am delusional. I like it that way.
One more thing. The Riyria Revelations Facebook page finally hit 1000 likes this last weekend, which means chapter three of Percepliquis has been posted. Orbit wants 5000 likes before they release chapter four. So either read slowly and savor, or introduce a lot of friends to Royce and Hadrian.
Well, maybe Hadrian—Royce has never been a people-person.